Monday, October 27, 2008

Jeff Buckley - Grace

There is not much one could say about Jeff Buckley or Grace that hasn't already been writen down or said. And since I don't think anyone can really can put this album into words, I'll just say this: Listen to it. It's the voice of one of the last true songwriters. I imagine that he will rise as some kind of Bob Dylan to this generation of ours (if he isn't that already...)


Zeugnimod said...

Este album é um monumento musical... faco das tuas palavras as minhas!

Um must para este blog!

Zeugnimod said...

ahh and must add that my favorite live album from him is in Paris in Olimnpia...

by far his best recorded live performance with the band...

Shôre Engenheiro said...

Boas irmao! Agreed. Live in Olympia shows just what kind of stage animal Jeff Buckley was. Also the white boy tour is a must have. And if you like him, check ou Tim Buckley. I still have to, but 've been said that he is just like the son (or the other way around). Genetics...

Tiago Cabeçadas said...

Muito, mas mesmo muito bom!
É um album que faz sonhar :)