Friday, October 24, 2008

Johnny Cash - Hurt

I haven't really figured out how to contribute to this blog properly.

I've been wandering around different styles of music, but no artist is really that significant that i would definitely want to share with you all. One reason for this is that i enjoy listening to random music in while at work and not always i have the chance to see who's the musician behind it.

Anyway, i've came across this Johnny Cash 2003 video of a Nine Inch Nails cover, that really means a lot to me.

I apreciate when an individual is so aware of it's life that can admit it's own faults and feel in peace with himself. Even legends like Johnny Cash and Ray Charles are common men with common personal dilemas.

Just before the video, here is my homepage. Doesn't perfectly reflect my music taste yet (and some of the artists in my library weren't really chosen by me, don't know how they got there..), but it's cool to share with you. If you have a account, do join me in your network.

Johnny Cash's 'Hurt' Delves Into Life Of Former Hell-Raiser: VMA Lens Recap

Hurt (Nine Inch Nails song)

1 comment:

Tiago Cabeçadas said...

Brutal! Adoro a original dos NIN, mas a cover tá muito muito fixe, não conhecia.
